Thursday, April 28, 2011

*Your Intuition, who and what it is.

Using your intuition is tuning into your higher self. Your higher self is the part of you that can see, not only the bigger picture but the whole picture. It sees your past, your present and your future all at once. It knows truly what is in your best interest.

Your higher self is continually sending you messages, or nudges to help guide you to your greatest potential. This guidance comes through to you in the form of your intuition. When you listen to your intuition you are listening to your higher self.

This is guidance that serves the greater good, and has your best interest at heart.
It points you in the right direction, it steers you away from danger, it puts you in the right place at the right time, it inspires new ideas, it helps you solve problems, it simply helps you along your spiritual path, whether you are conscious of it or not.

Your intuition will speak to you, and you decide whether you listen or not. It may whisper to have you do or say something, it may create intense feelings to have you react in a beneficial way, it may lead you somewhere in order to be at the right place, at the right time, it may even lead you to information that you have searched high and low for. Your intuition will keep sending you the needed guidance until you consciously pick up on it, or until you unconsciously stumble upon it.

Your higher self will never give up on you, it will repeat things over and over to you, until you receive the required information. Your higher self is you, therefor loves you unconditionally and only wants what's best for the whole you. 

Your higher self knows what is best for you, it sees everything and this is available to you, so listen to your intuition, listen to your guidance, listen to your higher self, listen to you.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

*The contract between you and your parents.

Did you know you actually chose your parents and your parents chose you ? The three of you had a contract or an agreement before any of you were born. You all had karmic lessons to teach to one another and chose each other to learn from. You agreed to go through the good and the bad, you shook hands on it before entering this lifetime. You knew it would be tough at times, even unbearable and you knew there would be times of pain and sorrow, and each would make mistakes, some of them terrible, but you agreed to all of this before you came here.

This may seem unbelievable to those who had terrible experiences in their upbringing, but it is true. Lovingly and knowingly you agreed to do this together, through thick and thin, good and bad, even possibly going separate ways at some point. It was all agreed upon and it was for the greater good of teaching lessons to all of you. It was to help shape who you are now, and who you are meant to be.

No matter what the status of your relationship with your parents is, whether it is wonderful, difficult, your estranged, or have never even met, this was all part of the agreement between you three. You all agreed to go through these experiences as part of your own individual evolution. To teach you different things about life, about yourselves, about each other, and about forgiveness. Our parents agreed to come into this life knowing how difficult it would be at times, and although they may have struggled, they still came into this life as required, and fulfilled their responsibility of bring you into life.

The fact is, many souls here on earth today, would have been quite content staying where they were, before coming to earth, but there was a job that needed to be done and they knew they were the best one for it. As tough as the contract would be and is, all three of you loving and for the greater good, put together the outline of your experiences, knowing what greater good could come of it, in the future. Be thankful for your parents, and the lessons they taught you in life and helping you, to be who you are today. It's true "the apple does not fall from the tree, but the apple can roll as far away from it's parent tree, as it would like. 

Even if your upbringing was terrible and if the only thing you learned from your parents is how not to act like them, you can still be thankful for that, but your ability to forgive could help many others who are holding resentment toward their parents. Love them, but at the very least thank them for just being, so you could come to be.

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*Passing judgements, effects them and you.

 The old saying 'whats good for the goose, is good for the gander', goes much deeper than you ever imagined. When we judge our fellow human behaviors, actions, or reaction, even the consequences that befall on them, you are saying to the universe, 'what is good for them, is good for me'.

We are all connected, we are all one. What we say about another, we say about ourselves. Judging others creates other issues as well, when we judge others, we ourselves will be judge by others, because what we do unto others will be done unto us.

We are also sending more negative energy to the one you are judging, this compiling to their own personal struggle. Rather than judging another, why not try and see if you can understand why this person is doing or behaving the way they are.

People only want to be understood, and if this person has been judged all their life, well maybe it's no wonder they are behaving the way they are. We do not have to agree with what someone is doing in order to not judge them, you need only to see it from a different perspective and understand they have experienced things, situations, and people, that are different from your own past.

We may not know, understand, or agree with what they do but we can certainly send them positive, loving, healing thoughts. Pray that they may be enlightened to whatever it is they need.. 

Do not waste your energy, sending negatively to another by way of judging them. 

Do share your energy, sending it in the most loving way to whom ever may need it and in turn that is what will come to you. 

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

*Connect with the spiritual like-minded

Connecting with spiritually like minded people is like sitting back with old friends, where you can truly be yourself and feel at the very least a little more understood. You can carry on for hours sharing experiences and validating each others stories. Being with like minded people is a feeling of being home.

Some times when you are compelled to follow your spiritual path or Divine instincts, many of the people around you, including friends and family can't understand why you are the way you are and cannot relate to the changes going on with in you. This can feel very lonely and challenging when it comes to speaking your truth and having someone understand where you are coming from.

This is why it is so important to find and connect with people of like mind. People who are also consciously on their spiritual path. They can relate to the same struggles you are, they may have some really great information to help you along you way, they may carry a piece of the puzzle you have been searching for, they may be able to just listen and truly understand where you are coming from.

It is hard to feel alone and different in this world. Everyone should feel understood, unfortunately many do not because they are surrounded by people who don't understand them and probably never will but there are people of like mind everywhere now and many are looking to connect with others like them. Tell the universe you want to meet some like minded people and watch the magic unfold. 

Here is my suggestion to help you connect with other people on their spiritual journey.....

Facebook groups, spiritual shops, spiritual tradeshows and expos and all other social media have a variety of groups with like minded people.

 Good luck to you, on your spiritual journey and feel free to connect on face book and other social sites listed just below.......  Spirituality In You.

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*Connecting with nature.....

It is like connecting with the highest energy available for grounding and stabilizing yourself. Connecting with nature can create a feeling as though time has stopped. There are endless ways to connect with nature or mother earth, it is always there to be seen. It is everywhere you look, every tree, every bird, every body of water from the largest ocean to the smallest puddle, the clouds suspending effortlessly above, even the colony of ants working diligently at whatever it is they do.

There is no effort in connecting with nature, go for a walk, take pictures of whatever you find interesting, whether it be a small patch of unique wild flowers or a fallen tree that catches your eye. Go to water, a river, a pond, the ocean, even a small creek. Water is very cleansing to your soul. It can relax you just sitting near it, try putting your hand in and focus on the feeling of the water passing between your fingers. Hear the water flowing past.

Hear the birds singing, really listen to the sounds they are making. Sit in the grass, just sit and connect, feel the stability of the energy coming from the earth beneath you. Watch the clouds as they form and move so gracefully and effortlessly, feel the weightlessness that they must feel while on their journey in the sky.

When things in your life seem to be going through a period of non-stop busy chaos, and you are feeling little scattered, less able to concentrate, and possibly more tired or irritated than usual, this is a really good time to get connected with nature. Get plugged into her abundance of grounding energy, that is always there for you. Remember to thank nature, all nature, animals, plants, trees, the wind, sun, and rain.

Be thankful, be grateful, honor our Mother nature for she is a wondrous being herself, who only wishes to help you in anyway she can. She will replenish your energy, giving you a feeling of solid grounding within yourself. So accept her gifts and thank her by sending warm loving thoughts her way.

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*Surviving a breakup.

 Relationships end for so many reasons I couldn't possibly list them all here, but I will list some in order show that this inforatiom can be applied to almost all situations....

-Job requires one partner to move a great distance, where one or both partners believe it is better to separate.
-Either partner steps outside the relationship, having relations with someone other than yourself or your partner.
-Either partner has an issue, that the other partner can no longer tolerate.
-One or both partners have become detached or have fallen out of love.
-Ongoing issues with children or stepchildren, or in laws.
-Both parties have evolved into people with different or opposing goals.
-Too many ''little things'' have piled up into one big mess than is no longer healthy for anyone.

The list is seemingly endless, but non the less, it is almost always associated with some negative or painful feelings of sadness, grief, resentment and so fort, this is very normal, but there are ways to look at it differently to ease the hard feelings and lessen the time spent grieving the relationship. Regardless the reason the two of you ended the relationship, there were valuable lessons that were learned on both sides and if you can find, what you learned about yourself or about life in general, you can be thankful for the experience and for the lessons it taught you.

You can go so far as to thank your ex-partner for sharing in the experience, but if you are not ready to go that far, you can at least be humbled with the fact that you are now a stronger, capable person with more life experience under your belt, that you can now share and help others who you will meet along your path, going through similar situations as you did.

This information is only, offering you a different perspective, to possibly create more peace within yourself, in regards to any hard feelings you may harbor about the relationship, the ex-partner, the break-up, or any event that took place when the two of you were together. It may not make everything better but hopeful it has offered you the more positive side of your experiences with your ex., so you can move on to the bigger and better that is planned for you.

If your partner was a good partner and didn't work out and you are consciously evolving then trust that someone even better is headed your way and you will not only understand why you and ex went separate ways but you will be grateful for it.

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*Does life ever get easier ?

Well to say ''yes'' wouldn't really be accurate.
Saying ''it doesn't necessarily get easier, it just gets different'', would be more accurate. 
As we go through life, the ups and downs, the good times and hard times, the gains and losses, everything is what got us, to who we are today. If life remained easy we would not know we could ever be as knowledgeable, strong, determined, or capable as we know ourselves to be today.

We may be a good person, but it is always our destiny to improve and fine tune, to evolve continuously, and how could that possibly happen if we are not pushed to our limits from time to time.

It can seem exhausting at times, frustrating, maddening, sad, confusing, even depressing, but we are never given more than we can handle. If things seem to be getting you to a point of break down, here is something that may help, so long as it doesn't interfere with your learning process and evolution. Try praying for grace.

Grace is a time in life where you can really take things in, the small things. You are able to stop and smell the roses for a while. You feel as though you are receiving a bit of a break from your normal go, go, go routine. Remember grace will always be there, but there is always work to be done and to shy away from it for too long, definitely does not not make it easier. In fact it usually makes it worse, as it will surface and repeat whatever work you are avoiding, or have not come to realize you must do, in order to evolve onto something different.

We will always be pushed to our limits on occasion, sometimes for extended periods of time, but this is something you will eventually come to be thankful about, for every time we push through an obstacle, or climb over another hurdle that life has placed in front of us, we become consciously aware in those moments and the moments that follow, of how we are so much more capable than we give ourselves credit for.

When we learn to see the hard times as opportunities to grow, the hard times seem less hard and make a little more sense.

So does it get easier ?   No. not really, it just gets ''different !!''

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#What are you feeling guilty about ?

Well it's time to let it go. You realize your mistake, you have learned from it and probably won't do it again, if for no other reason than because of the guilt it has created in you, so it is time to let it go.

Holding on to guilt serves no purpose besides to prevent us from being truly happy and spreading our light to others that need it. Letting go of our guilt, sets us free and when we give ourselves permission to forgive, it will effect the consciousness in those around you and everywhere, in the effect that it sends out an energy wave of forgiveness that eventually effects everyone on some micro level.

When you forgive yourself, you are sending energy out, than aids in others forgiving themselves. When you forgive yourself, forgiving others becomes easier. When we forgive ourselves and others, others begin to forgive as well, not only forgive you but themselves and possibly other people in there life they hold grudges with. Forgiving is contagious and it serves absolutely no higher purpose to carry around a weight as large as guilt.

It restricts us from carrying and spreading the desperately needed love and light humanity is lacking for one another. It can cause terrible illness if carried to long and those who can pick up on other peoples emotions will feel a sense of uneasiness around you, as they can sense a heavier vibration when around you. None of this serves any good, so explain to yourself, you made a mistake, maybe a terrible one that had intense reactions or consequences, regardless, you must have needed to experience it, in that way in order to fully understand and evolve into a more understanding being.

So long as we try to learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them (too many times), we need not worry about guilt, yet be thankful we are conscious enough, to see where we went wrong so we know to do it differently next time. Let go of guilt and hold onto the lesson instead.

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*Unconditional love and ending relationships

Sometimes when beginning your spiritual journey or even when your well into it, it can become difficult to decipher and understand the seeming two opposite ways of thinking. On one hand you are told to love unconditionally, to always forgive and so on, and then on the other hand, we are told that cutting ties and ending relationships with people that no longer serve your greater good, on your spiritual journey is sometimes, if not usually necessary.

This can seem very contradicting at times, but in my opinion, both views are very true and can be understood in away that both serve the greater good and both can be done simultaneously with love, when necessary. 

First off, ending a relationship does not have to mean that love or feelings of caring are no longer there, it just means that you have learned and evolved whatever parts of yourself, that were meant to be learned with the help of that relationship, and now it is time for the two of you to spread your wings and fly in different directions, taking with you the lessons learned and memories shared.

Unfortunately, very few relationships end with either partner having this kind of understanding, and even fewer where both do. This is why we see so many husbands, wives, family and friends standing in court together on opposite sides. If we could try to look at things differently an understand "bad things'' happen in all kinds of relationships, and if we could learn to move on from past relationships, by letting go of the pain and sorrow they may have caused you and focus on what lessons they taught you, and what you learned about yourself, even if it was only how much stronger you were than what you thought, there would be a lot less pain in this world.

 We can learn to be thankful for our experiences, the ''good'' ones and the ''bad'', then move on with forgiveness, strength and being thankful, not only for the experience, but for the person in that relationship with you, and what ever it was they helped you learn about yourself or life.

They may have crossed you, back stabbed you, or even caused you real pain, you do not have to remain a part of their life. If you have tried countless times to work things out but patterns keep repeating themselves, for your own sake take your lessons learned, give thanks for them, then thank and bless the other person for those opportunities, and move on.

Remember, everything happens for a reason. People come into our lives so we can learn from one another and sometimes the time we spent together, was not as long as we had planned, but when big things end, bigger things are coming !! Love your experiences and those who took part in it, as life is a learning process that couldn't function without those who challenge us, to make necessary changes.

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*Enlightenment doesn't happen overnight.

Although it seem as though an over night enlightenment on life, who we are, and why we're here would be nice..... BUT in reality it would be an utter overload on your system and probably create mental health issues quite literally. There would be much confusion if we were not lead to enlightenment through our own readiness. 

If we skip stages in our enlightenment to get to the end, (which there is no end to learning and evolving spiritually) we would not only miss out on some very important lessons and life experiences, we would miss the opportunity to experience our own evolution, our own enlightenment.

Although it may be a struggle at times, there are many, many beautiful, precious, humorous, life changing moments along the way. This is an on going process every day. Every day you are moving along your spiritual journey, with every breath, you are always changing, learning, experiencing, evolving, whether you are conscious of it or not. Enlightenment is almost comparable to a lifestyle change, it is an ongoing process, it never stops. There is enlightenment everyday in your life, the more you look the more you see. The more you ask , the more you'll receive.

There will be moments or Epiphanies, that will bring you big pieces of enlightenment within short periods of time, and these moments of greater understanding are a blessing. The greatest blessing is there is always more to learn. We can never stop learning how to love purely, and understand how to forgive ourselves, others, and all that is to be forgiving. There is so much that has been kept from us about who we are, and our vast capabilities to love and spread this light to all, everywhere, everything, no matter what anyone's faults are.

We can always strengthen our connection to our God source. Learning to go within, can always be taken to many different levels, it can take you to endless places, to meet with countless beings and teachers. There will always be more to enlighten you. It is everywhere you look, in everything you see and in every experience.

Enlightenment may have sparked suddenly or you may have awaken to your spiritual journey, in one night, but it will now last forever. When you begin to understand things from a different perspective, you see more synchronicity, you learn to truly forgive and love others, with an open heart. 
It takes time, but every step is like stepping deeper into understanding.


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Monday, April 25, 2011

On my way (poem)

One baby step here,
another step back,
I must not forget
I'm on the right track.

It's not known to be easy,
but I'm here for the ride,
for the lessons I go through,
I will take in stride.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

*Are we ever given more than we can handle ?

Sometime life becomes so filled with surviving the overload of overwhelming feelings and situations, that the urge to run away or give up is starring you in the face. There are times in every ones lives that things seem to pile up so high that you feel as though you can't possibly manage it all. Well there's an old saying that couldn't ring more true to these are never given more than you can handle. This is so true.

When you are experiencing a chain of really difficult events, there is always away to get through it, for the only reason you are experiencing this, is to give you the opportunity to make changes, to show you how capable you really are, and that hard work always pays off. Although it almost seems unfair you are experiencing all of it at once, or in a very short period of time, but if you were not challenged, how else would you see how strong you really are ?  Not to mention that all of the challenging things you are going through are also for your benefit in the way that, the changes will bring you to where you need to be in order to manifest your full potential .

 Look into your past to see where you had experienced a really difficult time in your life, where you thought you would never get through, then look for the changes that happened within you or your life because of it. Here is an example.....You get laid off from you job, come home to find out your pet cat has passed away, the following day one of your parents falls ill and ends up in the hospital, two days later your girl/boyfriend leaves you, and you are left feeling as though the rug has been pulled out from your feet. When look at the whole picture and understand, when things like this happening one after another, consciously be aware of the fact that more than likely you are going through a major shift in your life.

With a little patience, you may find a few weeks later, while your visiting your ill parent at the hospital, you bump into a potential mate for yourself, and after exchanging numbers, you find out her cat just had kittens, and she's giving them away for free, and their brother works in the same field as you and informs you of a job opening. Before you know it your parent has recovered, your engaged, have two new cats, and a new job with better hours and pay, and all is not only well again but even better than before.

Although we cannot always know when and how things will work out, THEY ALWAYS DO. Stay positive and look at the bigger picture and ask yourself why you are having these experiences and what possible positive changes are they trying to bring into your life.

You can bet it will be good.

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Other articles on this topic by us.....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

*Addiction in highly sensitive people.

 The things in which you can be addicted to in this life time are endless. Anything that gives an instant gratification and pleasure to your senses, or relieves or numbs you from your reality and the stress of your experiences in your life, can be a source for your addiction. This includes alcohol, sex, shopping, drugs, exercise, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, food, cleaning, power, control, gambling, money, gossip, crime, and the list goes on.

When you are highly sensitive, for example, have clairsentience abilities (feeling other peoples feeling), or find that being around other people or stressful situations, very over stimulating, making you feel overwhelmed, this may be important information in helping you determine where and why you came to have a particular addiction. This may only scratch the surface as to what you are experiencing and why, but it can be an important one, in your personal discovery and journey of evolution.

You see, if you have a chemical addiction or an addiction that impairs or dulls you senses, such as alcohol or drugs, even foods, unconsciously you may be using these as a coping mechanism to your over sensitivity to outside people, places, situations, especially emotions. When you are under the influences of any chemical, your senses become foggy and less sensitive, therefore you are spared dealing with the overwhelming energy and emotions rather than learning to work though them.
This may help to manage your sensitivity by way of asking Angels to surround you in a protective shield when in situations that are uncomfortable for you.

If you have an addiction to shopping or gambling, even sex, these can be temporary escapes from your reality, responsibilities, issues, or stresses in your life. They can give you instant gratification, a feeling  or rush of energy that allows you to escape, even if only for a moment, your reality. Either way there is good reason to look into this on a deeper level, go within yourself to see if this may lead you to some understanding as to why you do things in your life that you have yet to fully understand about your life and addiction(s).

Addictions are for endless reasons and are a heavy burden to carry, so keep searching for answers. If you believe you are highly sensitive, and you think this may have something to do with you addiction, then ask the Angels to protect you from outside energy, especially negative energy, and to infuse you with energy strong enough to deal with any emotions that may come up.

Always keep searching for answers to any questions you have, they are always answered. Many Blessings !!

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