Monday, June 27, 2011

*Feeling the need to be alone ?

Once you begin opening up to a more spiritual path, you may feel the need to spend much more of your time alone. You may find yourself wanting more space, quiet time, and less chaos, noise and distraction.

This, when done in healthy moderation, is perfectly normal and not only is it normal it is usually necessary, in order to look with in and make the changes we desire and learn to heal and release what needs to be released. It can be very difficult to figure out who you truly are when everything around you is so busy, demanding or if there is too much chaos.

This increased desire to be alone can feel very strong and you may wonder why you are somewhat withdrawn from your normal activities. When we become ''more'' spiritual, we understand there is a greater need to have the time alone in order to receive the answers we need, so we are able to move out of our past experiences and into the now, to better manifest our future.

Once in the now, we have to decide what parts of ourselves that need to be released or no longer serve any purpose to us. This is hard work and some decisions will be difficult to make, and making the changes can be more challenging still.

Self reflection is key here and obtaining an honest and deep self evaluation can take time, and quiet alone time is the best way to do so, usually the only way. Take the time you need to be with yourself, or at least spend a few minutes in meditation as often as possible. Go to bed early and just lay there being with yourself and see what happens. Get a book to write, doodle or draw in. Anything that allows the space for you to be quiet with yourself  letting the guidance, messages, energy shifts and ideas come through.

Carry no guilt for this desire to be with only yourself, and do not expect others to understand because unless they on the spiritual path, they will not know this is all part of the process and may try and convince you that there is something wrong with you, that you are depressed or avoiding life, 

They may be concerned as you are not acting your normal self. Just reassure anyone who is concerned about you, that you are just fine and will reach out if need be and for anyone who is giving you a hard time for taking this self reflection time, bless them and carry on because this is YOUR journey not theirs and only you will bear the challenges of not taking this time to evolve and connect with your higher self. Its totally worth the effort.

Feeling the need to spend more time alone is actually a big sign that you are on the right path, as being alone gives you the ability to look within and within is where you need to be because everything is there, all the answers come within you, when you allow the guidance to come through. 

And remember you are actually never alone. You are always surround by divine love and support. You are part of the whole and connected to everything. 

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Start calling on all angels to bring peace.

It is my belief that if everyone were to start calling on angles, all angels, to come and assist us with the changes we are experiencing here on earth, not only would they come, but they would come and we would feel their effects and presents practically immediately. While we continue moving toward making this earth a loving and peaceful place to live, we can agree it can be hard work and we could use all the assistance we can get.

As we start experiencing more change to our earth, weather, thoughts, and beliefs, as more truths come out as to who we are, the more angles here to assist us, the better.

Angels can only assist if you ask or if you are in danger of straying too far off your path. We were given free will and angels must must not interfere with that. So we must call them to help us. They will hear, and they will come. They sit on the side lines just waiting to called upon, and once they are, they move swiftly into action, helping us in any way they can, without interfering with any karmic experiences we must balance out this life time.

The more people who call on them, the more that will come. We are NOT a burden to them. They want us to call them. They want to help. That is what makes them truly happy. For when we are successful in our endeavor, they celebrate with us. Our joy, is great joy to them. Our call for their assistance bring them great pleasure, an right now we need their help. They are here already, doing what they can do to minimize the turmoil, chaos, and negativity. They are here trying to wake those up who still do not see the truth in who, we as humans really are, and what we are capable of .

If we call they will come, so why not ask for this help ? Why not let them make this transition a little easier ? They can help create wonderful syncronisities, they can help you feel loved from the inside out, they will protect and guide you to your greatest dreams, and lift you from hard times with their loving and compassionate guidance. They will never judge you, only lovingly support whatever is in your best interest.
When you call, they will come, and when they do, remember to thank them for all their efforts !!

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Friday, June 24, 2011

*Don't be so hard on yourself

Nobody came here to earth with hand book or a crystal ball telling us what we need to do in order to create total happiness in your life. Unfortunately for the most part we are born with amnesia, as to who and what we are and capable of doing, and the process of learning through experience can be very difficult, Especially when we were not taught about how this world really works. Mistakes or a better term....learning experiences need to happen in order to learn what would have been in the hand book, if we were ever given one.

Do not despair or feel the need to be hard on yourself for making the "mistakes" in your past, or even the ones you are currently making now. We will always have experiences that will be challenging, and we can always look within for the answer, but there will always be times when we could have made a better choice. Life is such, there will always be the opportunity to make better choices. 

When we consciously make better choices compared to our past choices and create better behavior because of the past experiences, then all is well. We are learning. We are evolving.

Our famous saying...When all else fails read the hand book...this can not apply here, therefor, we must learn through trial and error. This is not to say we are alone. There is endless help ready to assist you the moment you ask, but in the end, we are just here to learn and create. Everyone and I mean everyone here on earth has at least one area where they struggle in some way. If you believe you deserve being hard on yourself, then this would mean that every person on this planet should be hard on them selves too. Taking responsibility for yourself is key but not being so hard on yourself to the point of not loving and appreciating your journey.

Every person on this planet needs to find the self love within and truly start loving every aspect of themselves, and appreciate the aspects you wish to change. So set the intention to do so, then take baby steps and watch to see where you're guided or shown to do. What ever you do, put forth effort in your experience, and that way you will have no reason to be hard on yourself, because so long as we work hard, for the right things, things will fall into place.

Don't be hard on yourself when you make mistakes or keep repeating the same lesson over and over again, because life is a process and what we are doing as humans is no small task. I ask you to please, be gentle to yourself, love your self, learn from yourself, and show compassion for your self, and always work hard in your life for yourself.

You are the only you, so love you and share your best you with the world and worry not if you don't hit the mark on your first try, or second or even third try. Sometimes it takes dozens even hundreds of tries but stay in your heart and remember everyone is going through the same different things. 

#How to begin finding peace within.

Start asking yourself questions. Look within. Ask yourself what you really want to do in life. Decide what thoughts or patterns are no longer serving you any good. Be comfortable with who you are and change what you are not comfortable with. CHANGE is the key word here. Change what you do not like about you. Change what you do not wish to be in your life. Change what isn't working for you any longer.

Change can be difficult at first but if you push through the initial challenges, you will find little things here and there getting easier but do not be fooled, in order to fully manifest or create what you desire in your life, it will take time. So do not be discouraged when you find yourself going through minor, even some major challenges along the way. Opening spiritually is a process and it can take time to heal and balance what needs to be balanced in your life in order for you to find true peace within.

More than likely there are a few skeletons in your closet that you have avoided, in some cases for many years. There is probably deep seeded guilt or shame that you will find that surfaces, in order for it to be released and healed. These things take time and providing you are patient with yourself and work through the process, all the while questioning everything around you, you will find the answers you are looking for. They will many times, be put right in front of you through synchronicity.

In time, with some hard work and dedication to yourself, you are more than able to find peace within yourself. Love yourself and find it in your heart to forgive those who have done you wrong and more importantly learn to forgive yourself. You are only human and all humans have skeletons in their closets, that's right we all have skeletons, and yes, for some the skeletons are dark and scary to look at.

 Keep looking into spirituality, you will be amazed how a lot of your answers come to you. Through reading, the radio, repeating numbers or animals showing up, people you meet through out your day, even overhearing a conversation between two complete strangers. There are endless ways the universe is sending messages to guide you to inner peace.

What you hear may in fact be completely relevant to what you were questioning, just the other day.
Peace will come, if that is your intention. If your work hard and heal the parts of your past that need healing and make the changes that need to be made, then peace will manifest itself, by way of your thought process changing first. You will begin to see your experiences in a new way. In a way that you understand that there is always a lesson or message being shown us and it up to us to choose whether we want to learn or hear it now or experience again in the near future.

I suggest you look at yourself and any issues you struggle with head on and just do the necessary work in order to really find peace in your life and more importantly within.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

*What does it mean to....honor your feelings ?

So often I would hear, ''you must honor your feelings'', but how to do that, for me, was something that took me a long time to figure out. So I write this piece in hopes of helping those, who do not know how to honor their feelings, keeping in mind this is my experience and yours may be slightly different.

Honoring your feelings is an important part of the process in healing, along with releasing stagnant, old, energies and emotions. learning how to honor your feelings, is to learn how to heal with intention and purpose. It also helps in dealing with experiences that trigger negative responses in you.

In order to honor your feelings, you must be conscious of what you are feeling when you are having an experience. So although you may be feeling extreme grief over the loss of a loved one, or deep feelings of be-trail, because you were cheated on, you may be crying hysterically, depressed, lethargic, completely enraged, the list is endless, but the goal always remains the same, you need to say, yes literally say out loud or fully consciously in your head, whatever emotions you are feeling. List them. Acknowledge them.

 If you are crying...say to yourself, ''I feel sad'', ( don't say ''I am sad '' because this implies you are sad when really you are just experiencing a feeling of sad in that moment. ) Say how you FEEL.' I feel sad', 'I feel hurt', 'I feel sooo pissed off, I could explode'. That is honoring your feelings. Saying and being conscious of how you feel is honoring your feeling. This may sound very simple and it is, in theory, but it can be very difficult when you are actually experiencing feelings of strong emotion.

As you are honoring your feelings do not expect that you will instantly feel better. You are working something out. You are releasing energy that needs to be released in order to heal from the experience. This is why you are experiencing those emotions in the first place. 

What you can expect is when you finish releasing the energy or the feelings that you were feeling, is you will feel better, once you have calmed down, being aware consciously of how you were feeling and knowing there was good reason for it, will bring to your consciousness how much lighter or calmer you feel having released or honoring your feelings, no matter how strong the emotion was.

You will find yourself healing much quicker emotionally after practicing this for some time. It is okay to feel what you feel, just know it will pass, and it is for good reason. It is releasing old and present energy that no longer serves you.

Here is quick technique I picked up along the way.....When upset emotionally over something, picture yourself up on a bridge watching the water flowing beneath you, under the bridge. Imagine the water flowing as your present emotions, acknowledge them, see them, feel them, experience them and watch them flow past you but not physically affecting you, just being a witness to their presence. Honor what ever emotion is flowing through you and it will release itself that much quicker.

Honoring your feelings is the only way to fully release emotions in a healthy way. If we resist what we feel or keep it bottled up in an attempt to not explode, it will backfire every time as emotions pile up until they have the chance to be released, so practice the water under the bridge technique and be witness to all your emotions the good one and otherwise.

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Start writting your government about UFO disclosure !

loving ask any reader who is comfortable in doing so, to start writing your government for information about disclosure. Disclosure is the process in which the government will finally come out with the fact that not only do aliens, extra terrestrials, other beings, what ever you want to call our galactic brothers and sisters, exist, but are here and have been for .....well that's a whole other topic.

We as the people, can not fully understand our true existence, until we have all the information. The government knows this and uses it to keep everyone conditioned to behave and act like robots, as a means of control, while they basically do nothing but spend the money we hand over to them. Enough is enough, if more people, EVERYONE, would start asking...sorry demanding answers, disclosure would come more rapidly.

They are out there. More and more and more people are seeing them, and there is no denying what they are. They are being caught on camera all over the world. It is time for the truth to come out, it's been too long. Write letters, make phone calls, they will give you run around answers, and make you think you are crazy, This is to stop you from asking the very questions we need to ask. Ask and ask again, we need to start making some noise.

I request that we all do this in the most loving and peaceful manner, as any negativity, as we all know, will only create more of the same. So lets start sending those peaceful request for disclosure, send lots and then send more, if enough people ask, it can make a difference. May the truth be told with your help !!

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*Why are so many relationships ending ???

Have you noticed the number of relationships that are either shaky, on a temporary time out, or have completely ended lately ? Well there is good reason, in part, for this and it is on the rise. Many relationships and friendships are ending due to the energy imbalance between the two and some are finishing up any learning between them, then moving on to their next set of lessons with some different people.

As earth is raising her vibration, so should we. In order to raise our vibration, we must let go of old thought patterns and old ways of understanding things. We must learn to forgive and love and see this beautiful earth for what it is. As many are waking up to this, to spirituality, it is causing people to really take a good look at their life and when you begin to see what is really important and wish to make small changes for a healthier and more fulfilling life, it creates your vibration to rise and thus makes it more difficult to balance out with your partners vibration if they choose to not walk this path or if their vibration is significantly different than yours.

This shift we are experiencing of letting go of fear and holding on to pure love, is creating energy that is causing many areas in peoples lives to be turned upside down. This is happening so we will let go of what no longer serves the greater good and replace it with a deeper under understanding of life.

If two people will not benefit in being together through this shift we are experiencing, somehow, someway it will come to an end. This is hard work but it is well worth it. Sometimes to become who we were meant to be or to discover who we are, it takes a lot of time being alone with yourself, looking with in.

This is not to say the relationship was bad or a waste of time or anything negative. All relationships happen for a reason, in order to teach each other things and sometimes to work out old karma. Everything happens for a reason, so do not despair if you or someone close to you is experiencing a breakup. Just send them or yourself loving energy, knowing it is probably for the best and there are many angels and such, around them or you helping everyone through.

Much needs to be balanced and released within a lot of people and there is big energy surrounding us making sure we do. This is done out of love and for everyone best interest, and most importantly remember, where something leaves your life, it leaves room for bigger and better. 
Bless any relationship that may have ended or needs to be ended, be thankful for the experience, good or bad because you did learn, whether your aware of it or not.

Be open to new and exciting ideas and possibilities and don't forget, when in a place of uncertainty, rejoice because it leaves room for you to experience everything possible.

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*LIGHTWORKERS, it's time stand up and shine !

 There is no better time than now, to start shining your light anywhere and everywhere you go. The shift into pure love that most don't understand, yet everyone is feeling, is beginning to set alot of people off balance. Relationships and friendships are ending that no longer serve the greater good of both parties, jobs are being lost to contemplate what true passions lie within, the financial stress is being felt everywhere, many are feeling emotional and physical stress and discomfort and unfortunately most do not understand why they are feeling this.

Adding to this is the energy is that of plain old negativity. As love and light starts spreading world wide, negativity will try and dim the light. Fortunately so many people are waking up so rapidly, there is much love to combat the opposite. Many people are feeling very unbalanced even resentful toward spirituality. It can be a challenging path to walk. You have to look at things within yourself and about yourself that may not be so pleasant to look at.

As this energy spreads from all corners of the world, people are feeling the need to heal parts of themselves that are very difficult to look at. There is a lot of guilt that is coming up in people, from things that happened in the past as they surface to heal and release.

This is really tough stuff and when you do not understand the process, or what is happening to you, it can feel very lonely and confusing, and of those who begin to wake up, some will return to their old ways, where they are comfortable. This does not have to happen. If all light workers stood tall and firm in what they believe, it will help all those who are feeling the pull toward love and light, spirituality, to open up more readily. Any one who has begun to awaken to the truth of who and what we are and capable of, know the turbulence awakening can cause in your life while you learn to heal and release those event from your past and re-learn how to see your experiences as learning tools to guide you to your greatest potential.

Light workers, indigo's, starseeds, all like-minded souls on the spiritual path, speak your truth, speak the truth. Many will turn the other cheek, some may have not so nice things to say about your truth, but that is okay. You cannot make anyone listen that chooses not to, so don't bother trying to feed it down their throat. They have to wake up to it, in their own time, in their own way..... but while in conversation with anyone, speak from your heart, they will hear you or they will not, it does not matter. It is about you speaking your truth, not whether they believe you.

Be strong light workers, we are growing by the day, our numbers and energy are growing stronger every minute, and this is from the unconditional love we are emitting everywhere we go.

I love what you do lightworkers, it is not an easy road, but for those who have been on it for a while, know it is the most wonderful road to travel. Thank you for being you.

Other lightworker articles by us.........

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

100 th article....A Heart Warming Thank You !!

This being my 100 th article on spiritual topics, I would like to this opportunity to thank all of you, who offer kind words and send loving thoughts my way. I am so grateful to connect with so many wonderful people from all over the world. It is you who is making a difference in this world. It is you who is adding to the wonderful new vibration we are all experiencing. It is you who keep motivating me to write my experiences and thoughts on spirituality, in hopes to show others we are all part of something so wonderful, that it is worth your time to look deeper.

I am thankful to have the words to share with you all. I am thankful to all who take the time to read and learn about what a wonderful world we really live in and who not only try and understand the changes we are are going through, but try doing their part in the raising of earths vibration. Every time an article is read or someone puts any type of energy or belief into the raising of our vibration, it benefits every living being on this planet. It is such an honor to share this information with all my brothers and sisters on this planet.

I continue to learn on this journey everyday. It never ends. It only get better and better, and the hard times become easier and easier with deeper understanding of how this world really works. I encourage every one of you to keep searching for answers, as you will always be guided in find them. Be patient and open to how your answer may come to you. We are all on a journey and it is one where you can find yourself with a lot of questions and I am grateful for the ability to extend what I have to offer, to all of you.

God bless every one of you on your journey, and may all you prayers be answered to benefit your greater plan. May your awakening be gentle, yet rapid, and full of love and light. Hold what you know to be true in your heart. We are  more than what we have been told. We are wondrous souls, where God resides within.
May Peace, Love, Light, Laughter, and Joy be with you every step of the way !!!!

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Monday, June 13, 2011

#Life offers opportunities, not guarantees

If life were a guarantee, what would encourage us to try anything new, different or challenging ? Truth is, nothing would. We would always know the outcome. Where would the mystery, the challenge or adventure in life be ?

Fortunately life has few guarantees, it is mostly full of opportunities. Glorious, wondrous, endless opportunities.  There everywhere and I mean everywhere ! A guarantee is actually preventing you access to all that is actually possible.

Opportunities present themselves to you every second of the day, through your thoughts, actions, goals, people who cross your path and the list continues forever. You have choices to make throughout your day, and every time you have a choice, there is an opportunity. Here is an example of a situation where you may not consider it an opportunity and really it is a wonderful one......

Almost everyone has someone in their life who's argumentative or rather pessimistic. Each time you have an encounter with this person, you have the opportunity to choose how you will respond to them. Will you become annoyed with them ? Will you have a confrontation with them ? Will you ignore the behavior ? or will you take the opportunity to lovingly and compassionately speak YOUR truth to them, and respond accordingly to their reaction, Whether it be agree to disagree, or disengage from this person, sending them your blessings or blatantly choose to walk away from the situation or the person, still sending them your blessings, you have the opportunity to choose your response.

With no guarantee in how the situation will turn out, your only guarantee is that you are responsible for you response and be thankful for the opportunity to respond in a loving and appropriate manner and if you didn't, you are guaranteed another opportunity to do so.

There are too many variables in life to have many guarantees but variables are the key to opportunities and opportunities are the gate way to experiencing everything possible. Don't look for guarantees, look for opportunities to take hold of but don't take hold too tightly as another opportunity may be just around the corner.

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*Does everything really, happen for a reason ????

 Absolutely !!! Everything always happens for a reason. This can be challenging to believe as sometimes we cannot make sense, or see the reasons to our experiences right away. When the answers are not immediately apparent, it can sometimes become difficult to remember there is a reason for what you are going through, that your experience is only to guide and help you become who and what you were meant to be. It can become especially difficult to remember everything is happening for a reason when the experience is not a pleasant one and the reason is not revealed until months or even years later.

Most of us can take a look within our past and in hind sight, realize what happened way back when..... makes perfect sense now.

Here is an example most people can relate to in some way... That first boyfriend or girlfriend we all had, is a perfect example for most.... You can now see clearly that you two going you separate ways back then, makes perfect sense now, but back when you were actually living it, more than likely you could not see all the things and opportunities you would have missed if you had not separated from them. No, this example may not suit everyone but there are others you can find from your past, whether it be a job loss or an unexpected move or even pregnancy that seemed devastating at the time but it ended up working out, and possibly even for the better.

Everything happens for a reason, although not all reasons are revealed right away, but they will be in time. Just know that when something or someone leaves your life there is always something or someone coming in, not to replace it or them, but to enhance what you already have. We are all guided on a continuous basis, whether we are conscious of it or not. When we are not fully conscious or aware that things happen for good and loving reasons, life can seem very cold and confusing when experiencing hard times.

This is why it is so important to keep close to your heart, mind, and soul that everything you experience is for a greater purpose, even if it is only to help some one down the line, who is going through the same as you did. A lot of wounded healers experience many hard times through out their life in order to understand and help heal others they meet along their journey.

Even when you can't see the good behind an experience, just know and feel that something is brewing behind the scenes that is perfect for you and the journey you chose to come here and experience.

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*People will treat you exactly, how you allow them to.

When you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling uncomfortable about the way some one is treating you, whether it be through their behavior, with words, body language, a lack of respect, taking advantage of you, or anything else that may create a lower vibration within you, you must choose how you are going to respond.

There are many ways you could respond, thus being ignoring or disengaging from the person, react or retaliate towards the person, laugh it off as if it does not bother while building resentment toward the person, or maybe we could learn to set proper, boundaries as to how others will treat us. Here is a simple way to self check your boundaries and your reactions when you find yourself in a situation where someone may be treating you in a way that bothers you or is down right wrong.

First you must decide if the way someone is treating you is the way you would like to be treated and if it is not that state your case calmly, clearly and kindly to that person. If they are receptive to what you're saying then you may come to a level where you can respect one another's boundaries, but if these boundaries are overstepped too often, than you may find that disengaging from that person is necessary in order for you to keep the boundaries you have in check, with how others treat you.

If you allow others to treat, or speak to you unkindly, then you can only expect that they will. There are a lot of people out there walking around carrying a lot of pain just waiting to unload it or take it out on the next person who is available to take it. 

There is a difference between unloading your problems and taking your problems out on another, and choosing to set boundaries on how much unloading you can handle from another, whether it be expressed through their anger, sadness, resentment, complaining, sarcasm, taking advantage of, or even lack of appreciation, towards you, you have to choose how you want to be treated and set your relationships up accordingly.

Giving and receiving is a mutually agreed upon level of respect and a set of boundaries between two people is sometime necessary. Give firm reminders when boundaries are over stepped, but always keeping the integrity, of  YOUR behavior in check..

People will always treat you the way you allow them to, and they do not like to have to change their behavior on account that it is not easy to make changes to the personality. 

It may be, as you set up boundaries on how you want to be treated, that the people who are in your life now, may not all be there after you speak up for yourself informing them to where your boundaries lie. Be compassionate to those who cross you, they are usually suffering, somewhere in their own lives. Just do not compromise your boundaries, as to how you allow them to treat you.

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*EVERYONE is born with psychic abilities.

Many people wonder if you have to be born 'special' in order to posses psychic abilities and the answer is no. Everyone, including you, is born with psychic abilities. We all posses the ability to connect with the divine guidance that is available to every living creature. Does not matter your age, your sex, your race, your financial status, not even what flaws you try to hide from the world, YOU have full access to many psychic connections, all you have to do is acknowledge, believe and then practice experiencing everything around you, listening to your inner guidance.

When we become aware of different psychic abilities and have a desire to connect with them personally, we automatically start tuning into the continuous flow of guidance, that has always been there for us. It is like tuning in that fuzzy radio station . You have always been plugged into this information, but never really learned to tune into it.

Intention and faith will be your biggest skill needed. Your intention of being receptive and your faith it will be reciprocated, is no doubt a very good start. As soon as you begin paying attention, many synchronicities or coincidences will begin popping up in your life. You may begin getting stronger gut feelings, your dreams may become more vivid and deliver messages, you will have thoughts come to you that make perfect sense and do not know where they came from.

As you become more and more receptive to the messages that are coming to you, and start listening to little voice inside your head, your gut feelings and what your heart tells you... you may come to realize you had this gift all along, and can remember little things here and there, that you were aware of years ago that didn't make sense then and dismissed it as something else.

We all have this gift, and all we have to do is acknowledge it, practice tuning into it, and appreciate all guidance given to us. We were all meant to be born of this way, but have been conditioned or taught that we do not have these abilities. We do. 

We all do, and it is about time we all take back, what was meant to be ours. Whether it is clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, whether you wish to work with tarot, medicine cards or any other cards for receiving guidance, whether you wish to help heal others, channel personal messages or learn to read auras.... you have the ability, just want it and patiently wait for your connection to the divine to grow and strengthen over time as you do your best to stay tuned in to all guidance coming your way.

Be patient. It does not happen overnight, and you may find that areas in your life that are no longer serving a greater purpose for you, may need to be balanced, as you open up to your spiritual journey. Healing yourself and your past is a part of waking up to your true abilities. Be patient and it will come, for it was the way we were really meant to be.

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