Sunday, June 24, 2012

*Anyone can heal with energy !!

Anyone can heal themselves and others too, anyone ! We all have the ability to heal ourselves and others. No one is exempt from this. We all have access to the same wonderful healing source and there are many ways to offer it to others. You see when one performs a healing on another, it is not the healers energy, per say, that is doing the healing, It is the great all loving Divine Source, that is sending the energy through us, to the recipient. We are only the channel through which Spirit is sending healing energy.

There are endless form of energy healing now being brought into the light of the general public, and it is only in recent years the general public is starting to realize the benefits to this type of healing. Both healers and individuals looking for healing are loved unconditionally by Spirit and everyone is eligible to either heal or be healed. It is a birth right we were given when we came into this life and let no one tell you different.

Reiki, Shiatsu. Reflexology, Acupuncture, Healing touch, Crystal healing....these are only a few of the types of healing that are really coming to the forefront of ''medicine''.

These types of healing can be taught through a course or class, but you can help to heal another simply with your thoughts, prayers, or intentions. Spirit is waiting for us to ask for our abilities to be remembered and activated. Spirit wants us to heal ourselves and encourage as many others as we can.

Many believe we have to be completely healed before we can offer healing to another, this is not necessarily true. We help heal others when we begin to heal ourselves and as we heal ourselves our ability to be the channel in which spirit sends healing energy through becomes stronger and more profound.

Remembering it is the persons will to heal and there are cases when others cannot be returned to full complete physical restoration because whether consciously or unconsciously they don't want to heal and we have to understand, there are sometimes karmic stuff some people are balancing or their lessons in this life are to experience certain conditions or challenges. This does not mean to not offer them a healing because all healing given will be received. Although the other person may not be returned to "full" health, they may experience their symptoms are better for a few days or an aspect of their illness is lifted but form of healing or relief is given to the recipient.

We can all heal. Start with yourself and let it spread to everyone you can. The world and everyone on it, is counting on it.

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*Most important relationship ever, is between you and yourself.

If you love yourself because you know you try your best to be a good person, that you always try and help those who need it, because you see that all humans are equal...... then you have created the healthiest and most important relationship of your life.....the relationship with yourself. 

When you truly love yourself then you want only the best and most fulfilling experiences, people, energy and thoughts in your space, and this is so important in creating a healthy life. When you love yourself, you need not worry what others think or say about you and this gives you the freedom to be yourself and many people are yet to truly have this freedom in their life. 

The relationship you have with yourself determines what experiences you manifest within your life. If you feel good about who you are, what you do and the decisions you make, than you will vibrate at a level that will create experiences that make you feel better and better. If you feel guilt, anger, fear, resentment, shame, any of these emotions on a regular basis, than you will vibrate on a level that manifests more of those experiences.

You see the universe must send you what you think about and experiences in vibration with how you feel. If you generally feel good, more of your experiences will make you feel good, if you generally feel bad, more of your experiences will make you feel bad.

If your in a rut and feel negative about your life due to past decisions and mistakes you made in the past, then it is time to let it go, move forward and use the mistakes to propel you into a better person, who has learned from those mistakes. Truly there are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn and evolve choosing differently next time.

Love yourself no matter what your past holds. This life isn't about the past, it's about creating our future while enjoying the present. So create your future by being your own best friend, love yourself and be grateful for who you are and the past mistakes you made because in the end everything is just a lesson, an opportunity to grow. If you can learn from the lessons you are presented with in a loving gentle way, then you have already created a fantastic relationship with yourself. 

That is beautiful because the most important relationship ever, is between you and yourself !!

 Bless yourself !!!

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Crop circles are about communication.

Crop circles have been around for a long time and I remember growing up and watching the news with them telling us, there were done by people who where stirring up trouble and wanting to create publicity for themselves. Well I believed it partly then, but not now !

Crop circles are continuously popping up everywhere and there is no media coverage about this. Weird ? Not really. They don't want.....or are not allowed to tell or show you the truth. They do not know what to tell the world, they do not know how to explain they know exactly what the crop circle are and generally who are making them.

The government controls the media and the media only tells and shows the public what they are told to. So to the majority of the public, they are a mystery, even to those whose expertise is to decipher what these coded messages mean. The government does not wish for us to know the truth, for that would mean giving some power back to the people.

Crop circles are coded messages being given to us to help our evolution, to give us clues as to what is happening with the world right now and in the near future. They are messages being given to by beings that want the human race to use this time to create what we were meant to create and to be prepared for happenings in the near future.

Although even the greatest experts are not equipped with knowing exactly what these messages mean, they are however clear on the intent of these messages. They are to help us. We need to not only believe they are true messages but try harder to understand their meaning. Check out videos on you tube about crop circles.

Decide for yourself who is sending these coded messages and then study the symbols used in them to see if you can see messages the government wont let the media tell us....the general public.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

#Planting seeds today, for your tomorrow ?

Tomorrows fruits are planted today. What you are doing in this very moment is planting a seed that if nurtured and cared for will grow and become your future. Every day we plant little seeds everywhere we go and with everything we do.

Every relationship is started with a seed and depending on how it was planted and nurtured, will decide how the relationship plays out (with karma playing a partial role as well) while karma does have an affect on our relationships, even a relationship that is karmically challenged can have it's effects softened through understanding the relationship's roots, and nurturing it accordingly.

What you think about during the course of the day, is literally planting huge seeds, as it is the universes law that it must send to us, what we think about the majority of the time. If we find ourselves forever saying this sucks, things never work out for me, bad things always happen to me, I never win, any of these thoughts are planting more of the same seeds and as they grow and mature, they will bring more of the negative experiences you are focusing your thoughts on. If you think about how grateful you are for your life, your health, your family and friends, you are planting seeds that will grow and mature into more pleasing circumstances.

Remember seeds take time to grow, so do not think you can think thoughts of being grateful for a day or two and then expect to be living in a garden of all pleasing things. Seeds need time to grow, they need nourishment, love, light, and proper maintenance. It takes weeks even months for seeds to mature, as does the pleasing experiences you wish to have in your life.

Plant seeds that will create a loving, happy future for you and all around you. Love every stranger you meet, for they may be your future son-in-law, or boss to that job you really want. Don't focus on the challenging aspects of your life, spend more time thinking about the positive, even if there are very few positive things you have to focus on right now, find one or two and focus on those as much as possible. Plant the most amazing seeds you can find because that is what will manifest in your future and you deserve nothing less than an amazing future.

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#Tapping......another option for healing.

This is a type of healing that I just wanted to make people aware of. It is a simple form of healing to apply on yourself. It is great right after a stressful situation, when you feel an headache coming on, or even before an exam or nerve racking appointment.

It is simply, gently tapping specific points on your body, which helps to release blocked energy. This energy is also referred to as chi, life force and other terms meaning the energy which is continuously flowing through our body. Sometimes during challenging periods is our life or even in a moment of frustration, energy becomes blocked and therefore blocks the flow of healthy energy from reaching where it needs to go.

I like this tapping technique because it can be used anywhere and is a quick treatment that just might take care of what is ailing you. We know we have lots of points in our body in which energy flows through, when energy gets trapped there it stagnates, leaving us feeling less than we could be.

By tapping we get the flow of energy going again.

I can list general areas in which tapping would be beneficial in this article but I recommend checking out You Tube for better instructions and visual cues. There this the top of your head, three points around your eyes. One above your eyes toward the bridge of your nose, the outside corners of your eyes and right under your eye. You can usually tell if you are tapping the right spot because you can feel a tenderness in these areas when tapping on them.

There is also the spot between your nose and upper lip, and just below your bottom lip. These are some of the most common spot used but there are many more including on your collar bone, arms, wrist, hands, legs and everywhere else. Check out You Tube. This technique can be used anywhere, so it is useful for everything from traffic jams or rude customers.

Even a minute of tapping can make a difference. Check it out for yourself.....Good luck !

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#We are all one, no one is a stranger !

There are no strangers to you here on earth, only friends in which you have not had the opportunity to meet yet, in this life. We are all brothers and sisters, we are created from the same Divine creative source. We are all on this life journey together, struggling to find the reasons for the way things are, trying to evolve ourselves into happier healthier beings.

We need not to see our brothers and sisters as stranger because this is not the truth of who they are. Any one we meet along our journey is important to who we are. Everything happens for a reason, so any stranger you meet, is no stranger. They are someone you agreed to have an experience with before you came into this life. You knew them before coming here and had a loving agreement to meet and have an experience, no matter if it feels like a positive one or negative one.

When we treat others as strangers, we treat them less than they deserve. When we treat others as long lost friends we haven't seen in ages, we embrace them with the love and kindness everyone deserves. When we see others as friends we see the relevance of meeting them and cherish all experiences with them.

Sometimes we can feel this without understanding what we are feeling. Have you ever met any one and instantly had a connection with them, like you have met before or know you are to connect with them, not knowing why ? This is your unconscious recognizing a soul friend even before your personality has a chance to disregard the meeting as unimportant. This is your soul knowing this is no stranger but is someone who you agreed to share an experience with while in this life.

Reverence is a true unconditional love of all things, people, and experiences and when we see no strangers we are less likely to treat them as such, We are all one, lets treat each other as such.
Bless you and every one you meet on your journey, please !!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Two hundredth article, another big thank you !!

I am so excited to be writing this article and feel a great need to share my love, gratitude and appreciation to all. Thank you for the kind words you share with me. These words continue my motivated need to share my experiences to all. This spiritual path can seem like an up hill battle at times but as you stay on your path things seem to make a little more sense over time.

It is my passion to help my brothers and sisters who are awakening and to show unconditional love and compassion as they go through the many huge life changes many go through when first waking up. Then as we learn to handle these challenging situations we are often confronted with further challenges as to push us deeper onto the spiritual path. I love all and am grateful for all experiences, the good and the challenging.

I am so pleased to let everyone know how instrumental you all have been on my journey. I am excited and grateful to be able to say with the support of all of you, I have found the strength to open a spiritual shop, with readers, workshops and a variety of healing and divination tools. This has been my dream and just the beginning.

Thank you to all who are making a conscious effort to live through the heart. Thank you to all who are assisting those who are helping others. Thank you to everyone for just being you. Love and light to all and may your journey be blessed and full of love !!

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Monday, June 18, 2012

*Reverence.....The ability to see beauty in all.

Reverence is feeling.... an unconditional love for all life. People, plants, animals, water, food, air, wind, earth, metals, fire, Spirit, experiences, emotions and everything in between; these are all part of life and there're all a are part of us. When we hold reverence or love and appreciation for them in our hearts, we hold that same reverence for ourselves. How you ask ? Well when we are all connected, when everything is created from the same energy, what we put out there affects everyone and everything, including you, as you are part of the whole.

When we understand that we are all one, that we all come from the same universal creative energy, and that we hold all parts of sacred life within us, it is good motivation to keep feelings of reverence and appreciation forefront because in doing so your reverence touches all creation. 

When we understand that we are all connected and what any of life's creations are feeling or how they are being affected, we understand we are equally effected. When we love life and everything in it equally, then we begin to understand the true meaning of reverence for life.

Respect, appreciation, love and a devotion to treat all things equal is what we are beginning to understand as the truth and the way it should be. We are not separate from anything or anyone and once this is realized, reverence comes easier. Knowing what you put out there in thoughts, actions, or feelings is felt by everything, gives you reason to be conscious of what kind of thoughts and energy you are putting out there.

Reverence is looking at the big old tree you drive by everyday and thanking it for just being, loving it for providing, air, shade and beauty for all to see. Reverence is feeling appreciation in your heart for the stranger who said hello to you this morning, brightening you day even just a little. Reverence is easy when you are holding your new born child and grateful for their presence. Reverence can be felt on all levels about all experiences. Reverence is seeing homeless drug addict having a meltdown on the street corner and feeling nothing but love for this individual and knowing they have great value and lessons to teach us all.

Everything in your reality is serving a higher purpose and when you feel the reverence, the universe has for you, the reasons for your experiences in life, seem a little clearer and easier to navigate. When you have reason for your experiences, especially the challenging ones....reverence is easier given by you, as you can see how much love this universe has for you and you know all your experiences are to guide you, help you, make you stronger, teach you and evolve you into your full potential. 

How could we not revere (love) that ?

Love yourself, Love life and everything life has to offer.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

#Visualization !!

Any one can use visualization for endless purposes. It is nothing more than using your imagination or thoughts with a little something added....... You must feel the emotions that you would feel, if what you visualization came to be. Really feel what you would feel as you visualize what you want.

The more you visualize it and the more emotion you feel while doing so, the stronger your intention and the harder the universe will work to provide. The universe will manifest opportunities that will lead you to manifesting what you are visualizing, so long as you pay attention and follow the guidance you are given and take the action required to obtain what you visualize.

This takes time and you will have to keep your thoughts or visualization strong in your mind and your emotions positive and your attention at full capacity, for you will be responsible for recognizing your guidance or signs as to what actions you must take to move your idea along.

If it is a better job you wish for, then focus on that new job. Feel what you would feel if you worked there now. Picture yourself working there in your mind. Pay attention to any signs Spirit might give as to what direction you need to move in. If you wish for better health then focus your mind on what it would look and feel like if your health was where you wanted it to be. Think about it often and know that it is already on it's way !

Visualizing where you want to be, see yourself doing it, feel the emotions you would feel while your doing it, do the work your guided to do and have complete faith that if it is in your best interest, than it will manifest it's self in due time.

Remember to always be watchful for opportunities when they present themselves and be prepared to work HARD to reach your goal. You will reach it providing you know you will and do the work needed once you see opportunities to do so.

Remember we don't always know what is best for us, so keep in mind if Spirit or the Universe sees something better for you They will provide it. So be open to what you visualize being slightly different than what you expected, but no worries, Spirit knows what you want and will do everything they can do to provide it and even better.

Put your heart into it and your heart will create it.

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#Live from your heart chakra !!

Living from your heart chakra is easy when holding a new born baby. It's easy when we first fall in love, or are taking a walk in the mountains or somewhere out in mother nature. Living from your heart is when we help a fellow brother or sister, when we had no obligation to do so. During peaceful, joyful or grateful moments in our life, we can live, see and give freely from our hearts.

The real tests are when we are confronted with situations that trigger our patients, self control and ability to speak the truth while keeping your integrity in tact. Situations or experiences that cause stress, fear, guilt or any other emotion that has a lower vibration cause us to react rather than remain in our hearts and see all situations as an opportunity to do better, love unconditionally, forgive and help all those who need it, any way we can.

If someone steals your car, crashes it, leaves the scene of the accident and gets caught a week later..... how likely are you to remain in your heart when your thoughts turn to this individual ? How much love and compassion are you going to have for them after the endless phone calls to the insurance company, repair shop, car rental shop, police investigators, the time you had to take off work, the extra paper work, paying the deductible on your insurance for the repairs needed done to your car, and any other inconveniences it caused you in that week.

Are you able to remain fully in your heart ? Are you able to see this individual as lovingly as you do a good friend ? Are you able to remember everything happens for a reason and that this person is on a learning journey as well and if they were in a healthy balanced state, they would not have done this ? Seeing life through your heart is a wonderful place to be, but it can be a huge challenge in challenging situations.

All you can do is promise yourself to always do your best when dealing with others and to see your experience through your heart, to ask what it is you could learn from it and how you could respond in order to treat your fellow brothers and sisters with respect no matter their actions or behavior.

Living from your heart is beneficial to all but most beneficial to you !!

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

#Doing the right thing, can seem so painful.

Doing the right thing includes anything that you know or feel is the right thing to do. It is knowing your intention are good and pure but once you have done what you need to, there may be some residual emotions that are left to deal with.

These residual emotions can seem very painful to deal with and you may question if what you did was really the right thing. Only time can answer that for sure but if you thought about your decision prior and your intentions were from the heart, you can be sure the likely hood of your decision being a wrong one very small and even if it was you will be given a door way to an opportunity to choose differently next time.

Doing the right thing may require you doing something to cause another what seems to be pain or something negative. One of the hardest things we can do, when on a spiritual path is to cause another any harm or painful experiences.

Example.... if someone we care about is doing something that may harm themselves or another another, such as drinking and driving, having thoughts of causing intentional harm to ones self or someone else, a friend in an unfaithful relationship where one partner is not aware, where a child's welfare is at risk, anything where we truly feel the need to step in because we can help create an outcome that is better than the situation is presently, yet still cause grief to some of the people involved.

We are left feeling like we have to do something or notify someone but are also left feeling the guilt of knowing that if we do, we are opening a can of worms for the people involved that will create a great emotional earth quake, that although probably needed but not necessarily emotionally prepared for.....

We may also know that if we do not step in or speak up someone could potentially be severely harmed emotionally or physically. This is one area where doing the right thing can seem difficult both emotionally and mentally, but none the less the right thing, is the right thing. So be proud in the fact that you are strong enough to do what needs to be done when many others would turn the other cheek.

Another example are circumstances where we must leave someone or no longer associate with someone who is affecting your energy or happiness on a regular basis. This may be intentional or unintentional and you may have tried everything to rectify or fix the issues but in the end it is no longer healthy to continue the relationship. Doing the right thing for you, may cause some emotional upset in the other party and yourself as well but does not mean moving on from that situation was the wrong choice.

Putting a beloved pet to rest, one of the hardest yet most compassionate thing we may find ourselves doing. This can cause many people heartache wondering if it is the right thing to do and even if you know it is, more than likely there is still emotional pain involved.

Doing the right thing, is the right thing to do, Just acknowledge your feelings associated with it and let them surface in order to be released and healed. Cry, sleep, feel you anger, stomp your feet, ask why ? Feel your sadness and do whatever you need to do to release your anxieties over the outcome of your " doing the right thing ".

But hold dear to your heart that you, DID the right thing, by DOING the right thing. Feel good about that !!

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

*Purging your emotions.

Have you ever had a week or two or even just a few days where you found yourself extremely emotional, crying, exhausted, sore, irritable, where everything that was said to you made you upset to the point where you just wanted to left alone ? Where even though nothing major or traumatic has happened but it seems as though your world is falling apart and you just can't seem to get grounded or find reason for the way you are feeling ?

You may be going through a type of purging. You may be going through a period of releasing stagnant, old emotions or experiences from the past. When we are consciously trying to heal ourselves and understand that the surfacing of past experiences is necessary in order to release and heal them, you begin to understand this purging of emotion is a great thing. Something to be grateful for. You may never really know exactly what it was you were releasing but you can bet, once it has past you will feel better...lighter than you did before.

While emotionally purging allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling and give yourself full permission to cry whenever you feel the need. This is how most of our past pain is released. Take extra care to try and eat healthy foods, even if only in small amounts. Herbal teas are good for this too, many of them have cleansing properties that help in cleaning out whatever you are releasing. Baths with candles and essential oils are also helpful during times of purging. Most of all ask for Spirit, universe god, angels, guides, creators help. They can sooth you in your deepest moments, speed up your purge and possibly even help you understand what you are feeling. Spirit loves you and wants you to heal and this is the reason behind your feelings of despair.

Be grateful for this healing as hard as it may feel, the pay off is you no longer are carrying those emotions within yourself and you never will again. Once you are feeling back to yourself you should notice a change in yourself, one of lightness or raised vibration. If you notice this thank Spirit for the opportunity of releasing old energy and relish in your new found lightness. I should mention purging is not a one time thing, it can happen many times over your lifetime, some are longer than others and some seem more difficult but no matter, if your intention is to heal then the release of these old emotions is essential for your journey.

Welcome these periods and try to remain as positive as possible as when they pass you will feel better than you did before. Blessed be !!

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*Be impeccable with your words.

So being impeccable with your words seems easy enough.... right ? Well think again. To be 100% conscious of everything that comes out through words, and being aware of the energy and intentions behind it, takes not only practice but self awareness. This is something you may not even know you are lacking at the time and therefor do not understand the ramifications it causes towards another.

Becoming impeccable with your words is a skill and you shouldn't be too hard on yourself, when first becoming aware your words may not have been impeccable or down right not nice. Remembering it's not just about words, it's the thoughts, feelings, intentions and energy put before them. No need to waste time fretting over your past mistakes, or old ways of doing things, just see them for what they are.... parts of yourself that need attention.

To be impeccable with your words means to be in balance with yourself. To know what one says to another can carry long term effects, for both or all parties involved. If you are in balance with who you are and what your intention are, you will find no need to be anything but impeccable with words. To speak kindly and compassionately with another, especially when you feel you have been wronged by the other is a difficult task, even for the highly enlightened. It does not come naturally to people once they have been conditioned through schools, religion, government and society to be kind.

So many people do not have the skill to speak their truth whilst still remaining calm and compassionate when very upset. We have learned to find valid reasons for our unkind behavior. Excuses, but in order to heal ones self we must look at why we would be anything less then impeccable in how we speak to others. Especially to those who have hurt us in the past and those who are causing us pain presently. We must find within our hearts to see these people as people who are in pain themselves. No one would ever hurt another if they we not suffering and keep in mind this does not excuse their behavior any more than your behavior is excused and it does not make you responsible to fix their pain either.

This is where you can begin to understand that if you are less then impeccable with your words.... it's because in some way you are in pain or suffering yourself.... and the one who caused you this pain is also suffering but their suffering and yours can be helped with your compassion, Yes your compassion.

Here is one of my favorite thoughts...... The more unkind, mean, judgmental, negative the person, the more love and understanding they need !! Be impeccable with how you treat them. Don't intentionally spend extra time around so they can continue to hurt you but send them your love and do not react to their behavior. Thank them for the opportunity to learn about compassion and unconditional love, boundaries and self awareness. Take what lesson you have learned from challenging people or experiences and thank them for it. Whether aware of it or not, they have taught you a great deal of lessons. You just have to look for them.

You will be tested with people and experiences and you have the ability within you to handle all situations impeccably, through understanding we are all on a journey of healing.

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