Monday, July 28, 2014

Looking for a Manifesting coach/teacher ?

One on One coaching !!! Upon our first meeting it will be part of my mission to help you reach your most challenging goals. It is my greatest passion to see others happy and living out their lives doing and being what brings them the most joy. We were born to experience joy, to create or manifest our dreams, the little ones, the big ones and especially the ones that seem unattainable but bring you moments of joy when you think of them.

Manifesting is a skill we all have within us but we have been told many things throughout our lives that just simply are not true. We can create, heal, and bring to us whatever is dear to our heart. It is one of my passions to teach others to manifest anything they can dream of. It is a skill that takes time and intention.

I help others see from another perspective. A perspective that allows the possibility of you creating the great things you desire by using your intentions and feelings and then by taking hold of the opportunities that will present themselves to you and then having the courage to take the steps forward. Success can create the illusion of fear. This I have experienced in many of my endeavours but when push through.... just on the other side of fear usually lays success or at the very least a feeling of success that leads you toward more feelings of success.

I have manifested many things in my life with no money or the experience you would have been told, you need in order to be successful. Anything from material things like furniture, clothing, people, jobs, business opportunities, homes, money and anything else you could possibly think of can be manifested, being brought right to you in the craziest ways imaginable.

Qualifications – Heather

Thousands of hours studying books, seminars, videos and practising the art of manifesting myself for 10 years.
Reiki certification ............................................. 2014
Founder of Spirituality In You Healing Center ...2012
Practicing distant healing since.........................2012
Spiritual writer.....................................................2011
Dental Assistant (future work with D.W.B.)........2009
Crisis Intervention and prevention......................2008
C.P.R. and first aid...............................................2008
Raising 5 children as a single parent since........2006
Child Psychology Graduate (highest honours)......2000

Appointments available by phone, in person, email, face book, linked in

Two, 1hr appointments...........$70                                                                                            
Three, 1hr appointments........$100 
Four, 1 hr appointments..........$125

Spirituality In You ....519-457-4800- Heather

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