Sunday, May 8, 2011

*Single parents on a spiritual path.

Give a roar and yourself a pat on the back !! The path of the single parent is one with great responsibility. Although this is a challenging road for some, it is one with great rewards. It's not always easy to be a single parent, but at times it is necessary not only for our evolution, but our children's a well.

 To be handed the responsibility of raising little dependent beings on your own, is one that is only handed to those who have the ability to manage the tremendous responsibility. You are a strong soul, one who is more than capable of carrying out your job as being a single parent than if you were not single.

Being a spiritual single parent gives you the opportunity to evolve at your own pace or lessons restrictions or opinions while on your journey. If you are raising your children in a spiritual environment as a single parent and openly discuss spiritual topics or are feeling the urge to with your children, it is more than likely circumstances wouldn't allow you to 'BE' who you are, and teach your child or children's the way they need to be, if their other parent were living in the home or in the picture at all.

You are a being who has been given great responsibility because you a capable. You are not only capable you agreed to and knew this was for the greater good, even before you came into this life experience here on earth. Your children were also well aware of the fact they were coming into life with you as their parent, they chose you and the experience of being raised in a home with you as their sole caregiver. It was all meant to be this way because you are a magnificent being who is capable of dealing with every experience and responsibility set before you.

Sometimes it can be hard to believe we would actually choose some of the experiences we have to work through, but we did and we did it with pure love and knowing that we could do this and do it well. We chose things in order to evolve and see what magnificent things we are capable of.

Your children love you. They chose you. They chose these experiences and consciously or not, we all understood that it was for wonderful reasons you did !! Keep your head up and always put your best foot forward. We all stumble as parents and for a single parent it can feel like it all falls on you, but know it within yourself that you have what it takes to carry out this job.

 You are strong and capable, you have great forces supporting you, remember to call upon them. They are always waiting to give you loving hand.

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