Wednesday, June 1, 2011


 Dumbing Down is a term used to describe what our leaders are doing to us and more specifically our children. The very people we trust to provide us with what we need in order to thrive are literally poisoning us from every angle, to better control the masses. This includes the food we eat, the water we drink.. including many other beverages, the air we breath, our medications and vaccines, our religions, even our school system. All of these include ingredients that are chemically and mentally decreasing our intelligence and disconnecting us from our divine source.

You may think this is accidental or unintentional, but that could not be further from the truth. These plans we put into action decades ago with the intention to make controlling the masses easier for government and world leaders. They were put in place to keep us enslaved, to not even realizing it and worse they made us think it was for our good. They were put into place so world leaders could control the masses into thinking we are less than what we truly are, while they sit back and enjoy the fruits our OUR labor. 

How do they do this ? They have various ways of dumbing down us unexpecting humans. I will put them in no particular order as they are all equally relevant, effective and devistating.

First our drinking water, The most shocking of all the harmful chemicals they deem safe for us to ingest is fluoride. They state not only is it safe but good for us, especially our teeth, but really it is a toxic chemical that needs to handled with industrial safety gloves, full head and body suits and label TOXIC when handled or shipped. It is really a chemical by-product that the government, rather than paying for the disposal of it like other toxic chemicals, they decided to dump it in our water and call it good for us. You may wonder why fluoride is so bad, well a lot if it has to do with the pineal gland. This is the gland in the center of our brain that connects us to our true perfect self, our connection with God energy, it dampens our clarity or connection with oneness. This helps with keeping us regular people from knowing our true power and keeps us dependent on conformity, and robotic daily routines. It is a form of dumbing down the masses.

Next our food. All these marvelous preservatives they have CREATED are great for keeping food from spoiling, but they are also great for dumbing down the pineal gland. They have a way of slowly poisoning us as it has a build up effect in your body. It slowly keeps building every time you eat, storing chemicals in your brain, liver, blood and of course the pineal gland. These so called preservative that keep our food from spoiling are destroying our health, and they are in almost everything. And I mean everything. There are literally so many names and abbreviations as to what they label these preservatives, it would take some heavy duty studying to memorize them all. Isn't that convenient ?
Pesticides are another deadly chemical used on most our food. Pesticides cause so many health problems there are too many to list. They know preservatives and pesticides are making us sick and slowly killing us but that is what they want after all, 

Next religion and school systems, yes they do serve some good, but in reality, it is a much bigger and silent way of controlling and conditioning millions of people every day. Conforming us to behave in a particular way, then punishing or placing fear in us, if we step out of line, think outside of the box, or just be different. Religion and schooling are the most convenient way to start conforming the minds of almost every one by the age of 4, if not younger. If they can begin dumbing down people, even before they are able to express their uniqueness, then all the better for them.

Chemtrails are another way government gains control and not just with the weather but with our health as well. The actual chemicals they are spraying in the skies are to manipulate and control our weather are chemicals known to cause cancers and other diseases and illnesses. We all have to breath the air around us and when the air is filled with dangerous chemicals we have to choice but to inhale these chemicals and eat the food these chemicals have contaminated. We are flat out being poisoned and have been for years.

Lastly, but not really, as there are many other ways or techniques they use, but this is the last one we will discuss. Medications and vaccines, are the perfect example of how much control our world leaders have. They are all aware that vaccines contain mercury, dead fetus cells and MANY other harmful cancer, nervous, and neurological damaging chemicals, yet there they are in every vile pumped into our children. Then, they take freedom of choice away. You cannot choose whether or not to vaccinate your child, for if you don't, in most countries they will not allow you to place your child in school. Well, then there is another whole slue of problems, cause it's the law in most countries to have your child in school. Control, control, control.

As for medication, especially those that are suppose to help with mental disorders are also numbing us from experiencing who we really are and at the same time disconnecting us from our divine source. These medications that are given to everybody like candy any more, are dumbing down our immune systems, out ability to fight off most common viruses and illnesses. Just another chemical being accumulated with our system.

All these chemicals, organizations and government systems that create conformity, that are being exposed to us every day over and over and over have created a sense of normalcy in our lives, we know no different. We are pumped full of chemicals from almost birth, then trot off to school or the next religious group, to be told how we need to behave and think. Squeezing out every last drop of uniqueness, and connection to our true creative self.

It's time to wake up people. We for many generations have not become more independent or self sufficient, or increased any sort of independent free thinking. We are being controlled right down to having no say in whether we consume these chemicals in our water, air or in vaccines that are being pumped into babies, and the majority of humanity.

This will all change very soon, as people are rapidly awakening now. More people are asking questions and demanding answers. Secrets are being found out, everywhere you turn any more. The governments are on the verge of collapse from all their lies and deceit, religion is no longer the solution, going within and connecting to your true God source within yourself, is now being realized. Choose to no longer be a robot serving others, so they can live a life of power and luxury. Choose to make changes necessary to release yourself from these barriers, some of you may find it difficult to get around, but the great news is, there will be a new way of doing things in the near future, and all truths will be discovered.

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  1. Wonderful blog. Right on the money all the time, but esp this one!
